The price of chiropractic in Hämeenlinna:

The price of the first visit is 80€.
The price of the continuation is 70€.

Chiropractor treatment is scientifically proven to be safe. If you don’t believe me and the studies, maybe you believe the insurance companies – insurance paid by a chiropractor is the cheapest possible. Post-treatment soreness of the treated areas is possible, but not dangerous.

A total of 40 minutes is reserved for the first visit.

20 minutes are reserved for follow-up visits.

Usually not. When treating, the chiropractor uses his hands to apply pressure to the treated area. Some people find this feeling of pressure uncomfortable, others don’t. When already painful areas of the body are treated, temporary “treatment soreness” may follow the treatment. This typically goes away within the next few days.

“Treatment tenderness” typically occurs after the first treatments and less so after subsequent treatments. Not everyone will experience pain, but you will immediately feel more relaxed after the treatment.

Probably not. The best treatment result is obtained through repetitions.

Often after the first treatment, a change for the better can be achieved, but it depends on the individual and how big the change is.

As a rule of thumb, typically the longer the discomfort has been, the more often you need to treat it. The number of treatments needed cannot be known in advance, but efficiency is sought. Because people’s ailments and their causes and treatment response are individual, it is worthwhile to proceed at a time.

If the pain has come from a single event or a mild injury, it usually heals faster. If it involves tissue damage, it will likely take longer.

For example, diaphragm problems have almost always arisen over a long period of time due to improper loading and are often slow to change. A back that is cramped when changing summer tires or a neck that stiffened due to careless movement usually responds to treatment faster than ailments accumulated over the years.

If your problem is caused by your own habits or your environments, such as repetitive work positions, movements, immobility, stressful people or situations, you should try to change these burdensome factors, i.e. stressors, along with treatment. These stressors are manifested repeatedly in your body as tension and pain appear in the same places. A chiropractor cannot remove these burdensome factors from your life but can help reduce their burden on your body and help strengthen the body to better tolerate repeated stress. A chiropractor, so to speak, replaces a blown fuse so that you can start a new day with a cleaner slate with a less burdened body and mind. How often the fuse is blown and replaced is up to you and your environment.

Yes. The price of the gift card is the same as the price of the visits included in it. The gift card can be purchased for one or more visits, depending on your choice.

Great! You can send your question by email and I will answer you. If the matter is urgent, you can also call me: +358 44 5469662

You will get a personal answer and maybe I will add your question here to the “frequently asked” section.